This way a picture remains beautiful

Have you just purchased a beautiful print at Arthuis? Of course you want to make sure that your artwork stays beautiful for as long as possible. Don't worry, here are four important tips to take good care of your print:

Tip 1: Handle the print with care

Prints are delicate works of art, so be careful when handling them. Always hold the print by the two sides, so that no kinks can occur in the paper. It is best to hold the corners to prevent the rest of the work from getting dirty.

Tip 2: have your print carefully framed

This tip is crucial to keep your print in optimal condition: have the work professionally framed. Do not get started with cheap frames yourself, but visit a reputable frame maker. He can assemble the print in the right way, using the right materials to prevent damage. It may not be the cheapest option, but it is the best in the long run.

Tip 3: Avoid sunlight and moisture

If you plan to hang your print on the wall, choose a spot out of the sun and avoid damp areas. This way you prevent discoloration and brown spots at work. So hang your new print in a dry and shady place in the house!

Tip 4: Choose your passe-partout carefully

Pay close attention when choosing a passe-partout: make sure it is acid-free. Acid can cause yellow stains on the work surface. And please don't cut the sheet to fit into a smaller frame - that won't make the print any prettier!